All sessions start at 8pm at The Hideout @ Junk 'n' Disorderly.
Online sessions will be sent by post with the option of joining us online via a live stream of the in house workshop.
10 class pass available for £150 (£15 per workshop)*
5 class pass available for £87.50 (£17.50 per workshop)*
* class passes may be shared with a friend or a group of friends to enjoy. to book classes, please contact us prior to the required workshop.
Spaces are limited and MUST be prebooked. When booking in house workshops, please select customer pickup at the checkout.
Jan 25th - Money, Money, come to me! - Manifest financial abundance!
Feb 24th - Cleanse & Protect - Set your intention to protect your space and the people in it with our super popular Garlic Protection spell.
March 25th - Love Me, Love Me… - Manifest ❤️LOVE❤️ whether it be the love of your life, a love for now or a little bit of self love.
April 23rd - Fertility - Manifest to fill an empty space, in your womb, your diary or your bank account.
May 23rd - And You Bring Me Love, And You Bring Me Joy… - Manifest some happiness in any format.
June 21st - Build Me Up, Buttercup - Manifest personal growth, enjoy a group reiki session alongside personal goal setting.
July 21st - Heal Myself, Love Myself - take some time to work on things that are stopping you from moving forward and find some time for loving you as much as other around you do.
Aug 19th - Bind & Rebuke - Let's work on getting rid of the sh1t surrounding us, be it people who bring us down or self limiting behaviours.
Sept 17th - Abundance Bowl - leave with your own abundance bowl. Charge them with as many intentions as you please and watch them overflow.
Oct 17th - Don't Have A Cow, Man - a firm favourite, our cow's tongue binding makes its return, not one for the feint of heart but definitely one of our most effective spell workings.
Nov 15th - Hex Your Ex - Manifest your personal "glow up" to show that weasel how well you're doing without them!
Dec 15th - That's What Friends Are For… - time to hang out with us, celebrate the year's manifestation and ask for nice things for someone else, for a change.
Light refreshments provided with every workshop.